Cost Optimization, Health Check, Security Enhancements.
AWS offers the tools to build and operate a secure, high-performing, resilient, and efficient infrastructure with their Amazon Web Services (AWS) Well-Architected Framework. However, often times management mistakes can prevent businesses from achieving the best results. Conducting an AWS Well-Architected Review is essential to maintaining a healthy environment.
Using the FORTE CLOUD checkup program will give you actionable insights and detailed information on your AWS infrastructure for each of the five pillars, operational excellence, security, reliability, performance efficiency, and cost optimization.
Apply cost optimization techniques to effectively use services and resources to achieve desired outcomes.
Perform a gap analysis with more than 600 Best Practice Checks to identify issues before they become problems.
Analyze historical usage and generate reports to better plan for growth.
The Cloud Checkup is 100% managed, with no interruption of service, performance strains, or security vulnerabilities. Use your cloud data to reveal opportunities to correct over-spending, identify security and compliance vulnerabilities, and plan for future needs and expenditures.
Save up to 30% or more on your cloud computing bill
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